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On Campus Activities

As part of ASME leadership I have helped to bring a number of coop employers to campus to foster nextworking between students and employers and aid students in their job search process.


As President I coordinated ASME’s first co-op mixer with AIChE. The event was for students to network with employers in a less formal setting than a career fair. I communicated with employer representatives and campus organizers to bring the event to fruition. 17 employers and approximately 150 students attended the event.

As President of ASME I worked with the Red Sox Foundation to organize a Charity Challenge between Northeastern student organizations to raise money and awareness for the Red Sox Foundataion and Learning by Giving Foundataion. Unfortunately, due to timing the event was put on hold until a better time could be found.

I have spent 4.5 years with the Husky Ambassadors program welcoming students to campus, working to make their visits memorable and answering any questions they might have. I also worked as a Part-time Admissions Assistant in the Visitors Center. 

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